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Spring Style Guide
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Wardrobe Refashion Type 1 Download

SEGERSTROM Type 1: brights with brights, and brights with neutrals (clear, bright, fresh, appealing)
CALLAWAY Spring: light, medium or dark but wears darker colors with light; some Spring can wear black but not by face, beiges and browns are based on skin and hair color, usually golden
DONNER The Enthusiast: dawn colors, clear, pure, bright warm colors and tints with a yellow base
WRIGHT Morninglight Type 1: bright, warm and essentially light, tints, colors with clarity (no darks, even the navy is warm and bright)
GARZA & LUPO Sun: clear brightness of the Sun, refreshing tropical colors

You may be a Dominant Type 1 (Types & Tones)Sanguine* personality if you identify with a majority of these adjectives and you have the facial features said to be associated as well. Of course you will have the other features in a lesser degrees, the next one being your Secondary. For all of the types' adjectives, go here.  The neutrals each type wear.

If you know you are a Type 1, or you are experimenting, one of the first things you're going to start doing is evaluating the clothes in your closet and seeing what works, what needs to be put in storage (don't throw it out right away!), what you need to buy, and what could be modified!

This page is about how to modify your wardrobe, so you can get the most out of what you already have. Mostly how to change color, but also design lines, etc.

Wardrobe Refashion Type 1 Download
Black for Springs

these are dip dyed
    Type Authors Spring Jeans, Summer Jeans, Autumn Jeans, Winter Jeans
    Also read Jeans by Style

    How to Mix Your Own Custom Colors

    500 Warm Red: 2 Tsp Tangerine, 1 Tsp Scarlet, 1 Cup Water
    80 Coral Rose, 1 Tbs Golden Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Cherry Red, 1 Cup Water
    Tinted Yellow 75 2 Tsp Lemon Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Tan, 1 Cup Water
    586 Seafoam, 1 tsp Aquamarine, 1/4 tsp Kelly green
    Tinted Blue 198 1 Tsp Royal Blue, 1/2 Tsp Teal, 1 Cup Water
    Tinted Purple 473 1/4 Tsp Purple, 1/8 Tsp Navy, 1 Cup Water

    My related pinterest boards:  shoe refashion
    My related posts: shoe refashion and spray paint for leather

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