Glorious Spring (True Spring)
Bright blonde hair is complemented by bright Spring warm red lipstick. You can also wear Spring pink. Blush can be Spring pink, or red worn lightly. Eyeshadow colors include green, blue, blue-violet, with yellow or gold as highlighter. Try dark turquoise eyeliner pencil or navy.
more lipliners
Red hair is complemented by Spring rust , apricot or coral lipstick. Warm pink and coral blush is good. Stay away from pure red blush. Eyeshadow colors are yellow-brown, rust and tan, also blue-violet, blue and navy, with cream, yellow and gold highlights. Use brown, green, turquoise, navy or purple eyeliner colors.
Pastel Spring (Light Spring)
Spring pink is perfect for you as lipstick and blush. Do not use the coral or apricot as you are a cooler Spring. You can add brown to these to make them more neutral. Eyeshadows should be applied lightly to tone down warmth just a bit, but don't go fully into Summer colors. Choose blue, turquoise, blue-violet with Spring brown for contour and yellow for highlight.
Striking Spring (Bright or Vital Spring)
Dark hair (or plattinum blonde) may give the impression of Winter, so you want to keep your colors pure. Wear Spring's red lipstick, you can mix some brown in. Light pinks and corals will be too light for you. You might choose a deeper coral. Use red-coral or yellowed red blush. Choose cooler eyeshadow colors, such as blue, blue-violet, navy blue, turquoise or green. You might try yellow green as a highlighter is your eyes are brown, or creamy yellow eyeshadow highlighter is good. Eyeliner should be dark brown or gray, maybe even a muted black, or navy blue.
dark brown or gray, maybe even a muted black, or navy blue.
Gray Haired Spring
Your hair may be lighter than blonde, which puts you into True Spring colors. Red, pink or coral pink lipsticks and blush. Eyeshadow in blue-violet, blue and navy, or perhaps brown if your eyes are brown. Highlight with creamy yellow or yellow green. Line eyes with brown only if they are that color, use dark gray otherwise.
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but don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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