Critical thoughts on all things type and season - and your closet


Showing posts with label perfume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perfume. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

On 8:08:00 AM by Jane Leu Rekas in ,    No comments
Generally match your makeup to your palette colors.  The weight of your makeup should match the energy of your type or season.  You can even use some of your shapes, such as how you apply your blush.  The perfume you choose should also express your energy.  When you visit the links for the perfume in each set, you will also be at the four types store which has makeup for each season.

spring makeup polyvore and pinterest board

summer makeup polyvore and pinterest board

autumn makeup polyvore and pinterest board

winter makeup polyvore and pinterest board

Be sure to check out: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 tabs
but don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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Jane Rekas, LCSW

Jane Rekas, LCSW
Certified in Color Me A Season


I am the great granddaughter of Willi Aeppli a Waldorf educator with Rudolf Steiner, color and temperament philosopher. I began my main blog, EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH, "critical thoughts on all things season and type" 5/26/11, where I also have a collection of other quizzes. I started my EYT Forums when I became a Color Me a Season CMAS trainee. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, and Reiki Master.